Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trump-Nixon Comparison and Contrast

Many times history is said to repeat itself, and that statement may be true with this situation. The election campaigns of 1968 and 2016 have been strikingly similar in a few ways so far. Yes, they have had their differences, but some of the tactics dealing with police that Donald Trump is using today almost mirrors the way Richard Nixon approached it in 1968.
                Trump is trying to gain votes by rallying behind police officers nationwide, saying that they are “some of the most mistreated people in the country”. This statement is very similar to what Richard Nixon had said, claiming himself as the “law and order candidate” of that election.  He was supportive of the police and all their work and he made it known.
Nixon’s approach was well thought out, and it worked. A big reason that probably helped Nixon’s cause that violent crimes were much on the rise in 1968, going up 85% in nearly 7 years (according to usatoday.com). Thus isn’t the case today, in which this approach may not be quite as effective in gaining votes for Trump. However, one reason it may work for Trump, is that his stance has forced his opponent, Hilary Clinton, to take an anti-police force stance. She has stated that “police violence terrorizes communities”.  This stance that she took may help Trump gain many more votes from people that support the police, which would be good for his campaign efforts.
So, all in all, this stance from Trump is quite a “déjà vu” moment, so to speak. And we will have to wait and see if Trump’s efforts pan out like Nixon’s did.

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