Thursday, February 18, 2016

"Asian Auschwitz"

I think that  what was talked about in this article, having to do with Unit 731, and all that went on inside of the unit, is just terrible. They did things to torture humans that are almost unspeakable. It is so hard to imagine this stuff being done to human beings, and I don’t know how some of the people working at the unit were able to carry out these experiments. Some are just so gruesome and so horrible, that it’s unimaginable.
There were many things that definitely stuck out to me. For example, they would decapitate prisoners just to test the sharpness of their swords, and they would dissect live human bodies. They also purposely infected Chinese with the plague, syphilis, and cholera as well. They also did stuff such as inject horse urine into the prisoners’ kidneys, and they exposed their livers to x-rays. All of the experiments that they conducted were so gruesome, and so terrible. Stuff like this should have never been happening. And not only was it terrible that the Japanese conducted these, but they still refuse to give China an apology for what they did.
Also, I don’t think it was the right decision for the U.S. government to buy out all of the records from the camp. We just decided that as long as the records were in our hands, there was no damage done. But that is totally not right. The damage caused by this camp is so terrible, and so dreadful, that nobody should ever be able to get away with it. But once we were in control of the records, there wasn’t much more spoke about it. Only in recent years has it been brought out, and some of the people who worked there under Ishii have spoken out about the things that went on inside of the camp. I think that it’s sad how people were able to get away with such things so easily.

This article definitely caught my eye, and got me very interested, but it also made me wonder how things like this ever went on.