Thursday, November 19, 2015

Veteran's Day

I think that murder charges during a war are very unfair and unnecessary. If the Lieutenant (in this case), suspected that he and his fellow troops were in danger, I think he should have the right to open fire. I feel like that makes more sense than to let the enemy get extremely close, and have them attack our troops. If that scenario were to happen, then the Lieutenant would get ridiculed for not opening fire on them. It’s almost a no win situation for him. All he did was make a judgment call based on what he saw. If he has reason to think he is in danger, he should have the right to open fire without being scared of a murder charge in his future. In my mind, there is no way that someone should get charged for murder if they are overseas fighting for our country.
I do agree with the quote that is stated. Nothing should be handed to us Americans. We should have to work for our citizenship. No one should be able to sit at home and take money from the government. Everyone should have to earn their citizenship. People should vote, work, and pay taxes if they are able. It is a duty, and every citizen needs to fulfill their duty. It isn’t fair if some citizens get to be lazy, and take the government’s money, while the rest of the citizens work their tails off and pay taxes. Every citizen should pull their weight. There shouldn’t be any exclusions.