Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi

            I personally think that what is going on in Afghanistan is just awful. It makes no sense to me, how people can sexually abuse as many kids as they want, and they won’t get punished for it one bit. I don’t understand how it could be acceptable to their culture to have children as sex slaves. And no matter how awful this is, the American soldiers can’t do a thing about it if they want to keep their jobs. This needs to be changed, and we need to try to step in and make it stop. It makes me sick that this is going on, and the Afghan government is fully aware of it, yet they choose to not say a single word about it.
            It also sickens me how if an American soldier does choose to step in, he has to fear for his own life. Nobody should get punished with losing their job, or possibly even losing their life, for stepping in and doing the right thing.

This whole situation has reached a point to where someone needs to step in, and do everything we can to make this stop. It is way out of hand. It should never be acceptable, anywhere, to murder your daughter for simply kissing a boy. It should also never be acceptable to kidnap children, and chain them to your bed as a sex slave. Another instance, a man raped a 14 year old girl, and then she was forced to marry him. None of these things should ever be able to occur, yet all of these things are happening, and all we can do is turn away and ignore it. This isn’t right, and I just hope that a solution is reached sometime very soon.