Monday, December 7, 2015

World War 1 Blog

It has been greatly debated whether or not America should be a neutral country in what’s going on in Europe, and whether or not we should side with Great Britain, and aid them. We, America, need to side with Great Britain, and be prepared to give them the help they need in a war situation. There isn’t really a choice for us. We need to have everything ready to go for combat, right now. If we continue to waste time, many more innocent lives will be taken. We must step in and take care of things.

All of this conflict was started when Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by Gavrilo Princep, a Serbian man. If those people are willing and able to take down the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, what will stop them from taking the lives of innocent civilians? Without our help, they could continue to kill; they could end many of the innocent lives of our allies. We must show our nationalism, and show some pride in our country. Help them win this war, and represent our country well while doing it.

Another reason that we must intervene, is that we have many ancestral ties to Britain. Many current Americans either are from Britain, or have family members that still live there. Going and fighting for the lives of our families and ancestors is the right thing to do. Also, if we were in Great Britain’s situation, and we were threatened to lose many innocent lives, wouldn’t you like the help of another country on your side? You bet you would.

Helping to solve this will be the best decision we can make. It will only strengthen our friendship with Great Britain, and it will take care of things much faster, while losing many less lives. We can’t afford to sit here and let this go on over there. We must come together with Britain, and resolve these conflicts.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Muckraker Blog

This article is about a business that has been accused by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Justice Department of redlining, which is when banks choke off lending to minorities. Hudson City Savings Bank approved 1,886 mortgages to areas in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut in 2014, while only 25 of those loans were to African Americans. Hudson agreed to pay over $30 million to settle the lawsuit, although they deny doing any wrong.

Redlining was very common in the 1960s, when banks would openly starve minorities of receiving home loans. It was even backed by the federal government. Redlining became illegal in the U.S. in the 1970s, but that hasn’t stopped businesses from continuing it. They typically try to hide it, by placing their branches outside of minority communities. Today, it has started to return in the United States, and it is an issue that needs to be figured out.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Veteran's Day

I think that murder charges during a war are very unfair and unnecessary. If the Lieutenant (in this case), suspected that he and his fellow troops were in danger, I think he should have the right to open fire. I feel like that makes more sense than to let the enemy get extremely close, and have them attack our troops. If that scenario were to happen, then the Lieutenant would get ridiculed for not opening fire on them. It’s almost a no win situation for him. All he did was make a judgment call based on what he saw. If he has reason to think he is in danger, he should have the right to open fire without being scared of a murder charge in his future. In my mind, there is no way that someone should get charged for murder if they are overseas fighting for our country.
I do agree with the quote that is stated. Nothing should be handed to us Americans. We should have to work for our citizenship. No one should be able to sit at home and take money from the government. Everyone should have to earn their citizenship. People should vote, work, and pay taxes if they are able. It is a duty, and every citizen needs to fulfill their duty. It isn’t fair if some citizens get to be lazy, and take the government’s money, while the rest of the citizens work their tails off and pay taxes. Every citizen should pull their weight. There shouldn’t be any exclusions.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi

            I personally think that what is going on in Afghanistan is just awful. It makes no sense to me, how people can sexually abuse as many kids as they want, and they won’t get punished for it one bit. I don’t understand how it could be acceptable to their culture to have children as sex slaves. And no matter how awful this is, the American soldiers can’t do a thing about it if they want to keep their jobs. This needs to be changed, and we need to try to step in and make it stop. It makes me sick that this is going on, and the Afghan government is fully aware of it, yet they choose to not say a single word about it.
            It also sickens me how if an American soldier does choose to step in, he has to fear for his own life. Nobody should get punished with losing their job, or possibly even losing their life, for stepping in and doing the right thing.

This whole situation has reached a point to where someone needs to step in, and do everything we can to make this stop. It is way out of hand. It should never be acceptable, anywhere, to murder your daughter for simply kissing a boy. It should also never be acceptable to kidnap children, and chain them to your bed as a sex slave. Another instance, a man raped a 14 year old girl, and then she was forced to marry him. None of these things should ever be able to occur, yet all of these things are happening, and all we can do is turn away and ignore it. This isn’t right, and I just hope that a solution is reached sometime very soon.